Magnetic Island Yoga


My yoga journey began primarily with a focus on the physical. Soon after I began noticing
positive changes in my mental and emotional states, a more energized body and clearer mind
as a direct effect of the practice and I naturally wanted to go deeper and share this gift
with others. I am very grateful to have studied with a number of highly skilled teachers from
unique backgrounds including Jivamukti, Vinyassa, Yin and Yoga Therapy of which I incorporate
components of each into my teaching. Studying Yoga Therapy has humbled me into the realisation
and acknowledgement that no two bodies are the same, the individualistic approach to yoga made
so much sense. I am sensitive to the needs of the individual and meet people where they are at
in their own life’s journey. By challenging my students to surrender, to become more aware of
each moment, each movement, each emotion, each breath I assist in providing techniques and
experiences that students can take with them off the mat into every aspect of their lives. I
believe that by trusting in your own capabilities and bodies intelligence, through yoga, anything
is possible.

Contact Details

Contact Mish ph: 0497 574 767 email: